Latin America at a Crossroads: A Cultural Theory to Address the Wicked Problem of Regional Integration with Clumsy Solutions

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1 décembre 2019

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Pablo Garcés Velástegui, « Latin America at a Crossroads: A Cultural Theory to Address the Wicked Problem of Regional Integration with Clumsy Solutions », Revista de Relaciones Internacionales, Estrategia y Seguridad, ID : 10670/1.d95wft


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: Latin America is at a crossroads. Its efforts to integrate are undergoing significant changes. In this light, integration has been regarded as a wicked problem. Contra convention, such approach suggests that wicked problems, being social problems, may have an indefinite number of solutions. This article builds on that argument and, in order to make it workable, proposes grid-group cultural theory as a framework to reduce its complexity while taking its inherent plurality seriously. In brief, this theory focuses on how individual decision-making is influenced by the collective (group) or by institutions (grid). The combination of these two dimensions provides four rationalities, ways of life, or worldviews: hierarchy, individualism, egalitarianism, and fatalism. Latin American integration initiatives can be found within this limited diversity scheme to address this wicked problem and hint at appropriate solutions, clumsy ones. They require the inclusion of all rationalities in constructive dialogue seeking not to leave them worse off.

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