September 6, 2024
This document is linked to :
Antonio Giangreco et al., « Unpacking the Black Box of the Training-Performance Relationship: Evidence from Philippine Call Centers », HALSHS : archive ouverte en Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société, ID : 10.37725/mgmt.2024.7799
This study analyzes the relationship between training and development (T&D) and individual performance. Drawing insights from human capital theory and social exchange theory, we hypothesize that the relationship between employee T&D perceptions and role performance is mediated by specific role attitudes – namely, employee self-efficacy and employee engagement. Data were collected from 421 agents across 17 companies in the unique context of the Philippine call center industry. The results of the analyses show that the relationship between employees’ perceptions of their organization’s T&D investments and their role performance is fully mediated by employee self-efficacy and engagement, whereas the relationship between employees’ satisfaction with their line managers’ T&D implementation and role performance is partially mediated by employee self-efficacy and engagement. These findings contribute to unpacking the black box of the T&D–performance relationship and have important implications for research and practice.