17 octobre 2023
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Gilberto Câmara et al., « Modelling land use changes in Brazil 2000-2050 (Dataset) », HALSHS : archive ouverte en Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société, ID : 10.22022/REDD/09-2016.13782
The input and output land cover dataset across all modelled time periods (2000-2050) and scenarios resulting from the work of the REDD-PAC project in Brazil.Please consult the data section of the REDD-PAC website (http://redd-pac.org/new_page.php?contents=data1.csv) to access a data visualization tool and to obtain the dataset in WFS format.This dataset can be accessed and displayed using GIS software such as QGIS. Please consult the metadata file for further instructions.