Quantitative spectral EEG assessments during affective states evoked by the presentation of the international affective pictures

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1 janvier 2012

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Erzsébet Marosi-Holczberger et al., « Quantitative spectral EEG assessments during affective states evoked by the presentation of the international affective pictures », Journal of behavior, health & social issues (México), ID : 10670/1.f6e0b7


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This study was carried out to find changes in EEG power during emotions of positive and negative valence evoked by the International Affective Pictures. The subjects were 36 young, healthy male university students. Power values were calculated from 21 referential derivations. Statistical analyses were carried out with ANOVA- RM having 3 conditions (positive, negative and neutral picture presentations), four bands and the above mentioned 21 leads). Fisher's LSD post hoc test revealed the topography of the significant differences. The objective of the study was to see whether right hemisphere is preferential for emotions or there is a hemispheric frontal alpha decrease according to the valence of the emotions. Our results show that most differences between emotional conditions occurred in the delta and theta bands, without preference for right hemisphere participation. In the alpha band few differences were observed, none at frontal areas. Alpha and beta activity revealed only negligible differences without relation with the valence. The results obtained for relative power (RP) values were significant only in the delta band. Based on our results we can conclude that data do not show a defined pattern of activity, but various areas and both hemispheres respond to emotional stimulation.

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