El poder en las organizaciones y su medición. El cuestionario de poder formal e informal

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Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología

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José Luis Meliá et al., « El poder en las organizaciones y su medición. El cuestionario de poder formal e informal », Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología, ID : 10670/1.fytc8t


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"The mainpurpose of this papel´is to make a question naire for me asur ingrece ived power relationsin organization alsettings,and toverify the bifactorial structure of social power.The(Received)Formal-Informal Power Question-naire has iternsconcerning to the six bases of power defined by Raven(1989):legitimate, reward, coercion, expert, referent and informational, andtogeneral power. According to the Bifactorial The or y of SocialPower(Meliá,1984),these bases are group edintotwo dimensions: Formal and Informal Power. This questionnaire has showed as uitable reliabiliry and validity. The Bifactorial Theory of Social Power yields accurate and complex predictions regarding to th efactorial structure of the measurement, sorne objective indicators(Iike absolute and reIative hierarchiclevels),and sorne subjective indicators(suchascontact, communication and conflict). Four hundred and thirty-six social relations hipswere empirically analyzed foun dingsup portforall hypothesis.The Bifactorial Theory and itsassociate questionna ireal lows to obtain a new understanding of the organization albehaviour in the Role theory frame work"

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