Open Access at UNIL - Report on the Open Access survey and vision

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7 juin 2018

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Micaela Crespo-Quesada et al., « Open Access at UNIL - Report on the Open Access survey and vision », Serveur académique Lausannois, ID : 10670/1.g6rcoe


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Open Access is a vast global movement, started by the Budapest Open Access Initiative of 2002, seeking to give everyone free access to the fruits of research through the development of the Internet. Open Access allows for the opening of documents by two roads: The Gold Road (research freely accessible from the moment of publication) and the Green Road (simultaneous self-archiving of the manuscript in an institutional repository and its opening after an embargo period). Propelled by the National Open Access Strategy (SNOAS), the University of Lausanne (UNIL) has decided to tackle this issue in an active, open and inclusive manner. This report is part of an internal consultation framework whose ultimate goal is to define the future Open Access policy and the associated overall support measures for researchers.

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