Logical reasoning and fantasy contexts: eliminating differences between children with and without experience in school

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Revista Interamericana de Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology

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Paul L. Harris et al., « Logical reasoning and fantasy contexts: eliminating differences between children with and without experience in school », Interamerican Journal of Psychology, ID : 10670/1.gp4ruc


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"An experiment investigated the effect of a make-believe fantasy mode of problem presentation on reasoningabout valid conditional syllogisms in three groups of 5-year-old children: a) school children from middle-classfamilies in England; b) school children from middle-class families in Brazil; and, c) children from low SESfamilies in Brazil who had never gone to school. Previous investigations had reported that the use of afantasy context elicited significantly more logically appropriate responses from school children than did othercontexts, and that children with school experiences made significantly more logically appropriate responsesthan did children without school experience. The present investigation extended these findings to show thatthe beneficial effects of a fantasy context extended to lower-class illiterate children who never had beenexposed to schooling"

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