Sexual and reproductive health among young people, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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Stella Regina Taquette et al., « Sexual and reproductive health among young people, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil », Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, ID : 10670/1.h488l2


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"We aimed to analyze the geographic dis - tribution, the structure of healthcare services and the human resources of all units of the Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS - the Unified Health Sys - tem) that provide sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services to the adolescent population in the second largest city in Brazil. We conducted a cross-sectional study with geographical mapping and data collection through a questionnaire ap - plied in person with coordinators of the units or their representatives in 147 outpatient clinics in Rio de Janeiro that have SSR services. We found that in over 90% of the units, adolescents are treated together with the adult population, with - out particular shifts or rooms for this age group. In more than 10% of services, treatment is only provided with the presence of the guardian. In cases of sexual violence, this proportion is 34%. Specific educational activities for this age group are only carried out in 12.9% of units and less than one third of doctors had received some kind of training to deal with adolescent health. In con - clusion, despite the wide geographic distribution of health facilities, the structure of care and the human resources do not meet the specific needs of adolescents ."

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