Chapter 17. "… we would hear matter roar …" or vibrant matter, Wagner and Kraftwerk

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17 décembre 2021

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Martin Bartelmus, « Chapter 17. "… we would hear matter roar …" or vibrant matter, Wagner and Kraftwerk », Dark Hermeneutics, ID : 10670/1.hm0k70


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I do not like to title a text with a quote. But in this case the line “we would hear matter roar” ((Kittler 2014, 170)) is somehow so intriguing that I could not resist. One might think that this is a quote out of Jane Bennett’s Vibrant Matter for it seems to be about the vitality and agency of matter itself, but as the “would” suggests it points towards a more poetic or even metaphorical meaning. But the metaphorical hint resolves in the “we” as in only “we humans” would hear matter roar if ...

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