Sofrimento e preconceito: trajetórias percorridas por nutricionistas obesas em busca do emagrecimento

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Ciência & Saúde Coletiva

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Kênya Lima de Araújo et al., « Sofrimento e preconceito: trajetórias percorridas por nutricionistas obesas em busca do emagrecimento », Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, ID : 10670/1.hqxb8w


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"Obesity is a problem of public health, seen as a “moral panic”, which disables the obese person from social acceptance. For obese nutri - tionists the paradox between the premises of their jobs and their state of morbidity makes the de - bate complex by the conflict with the professional identity. This study sought to bring to discussion the meanings of health care adopted by obese nu - tritionists in Salvador and to understand their experiences with their obesity in everyday life. The study was based on a qualitative approach, through semi-structured interviews with eight narratives on being an obese nutritionist, anal - ysed under hermeneutics basis. The research re - vealed that being obese generates a stigma which is worse to the nutritionist, now seen simultane - ously as unable to care for oneself and on being obese. Some of the stories of suffering seen on job routine are: strangeness of the body, social exclu - sion, strategies for defence on the relation profes - sional-patient, desperate rely on miraculous diet plans which are far away from the scientific dis - course, and the obese body seen as imprisonment. It is concluded that institutions of public health must have knowledge of this problem and must establish strategies to the condition of obese nutri - tionists, considering that this contradiction may happen on different occupations."

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