Entre nouveaux vecteurs d'information et nouvelles utopies de l'Intelligence stratégique, quels terrains pour les entreprises du secteur énergétique ?

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Viviane du Castel, « Entre nouveaux vecteurs d'information et nouvelles utopies de l'Intelligence stratégique, quels terrains pour les entreprises du secteur énergétique ? », Revue internationale d'intelligence économique, ID : 10670/1.i22e17


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Les entreprises sont amenées à piloter stratégiquement l’information en la recherchant, en l’attirant et en la provoquant, dans la quête d’une réalité – une utopie ? qui leur est favorable, grâce à des vecteurs d’information, à la fois traditionnels et modernes. La mondialisation et les mutations géopolitiques (ouverture des frontières, multiplication des zones de libre-échange, cybertechnologie, crise économique et financière, etc.) – une autre forme d’utopie- ont propulsé les entreprises en général et énergétiques en particulier sur le devant de la scène internationale.

Between new information and new utopias of strategic intelligence vectors, which areas for energy companies ?The business information is strategic as it is likely to allow the decision and commitment to action. In recent years, the nature of the changed information and sources of information that some call the new territories, such as social networks, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Knowledge Management, the Record Management etc. These areas attract attention, as they are able to influence business practices and the social acceptability of projects implemented. In addition, the multidimensional challenges of these territories are not without impact on the way organizations work, especially in terms of Strategic Intelligence (SI). The latter, defined as « the collection, analysis, exploitation, dissemination and protection of strategic economic information, to enhance the competitiveness of a country, a company or a research facility“is a utopia in the sense of Thomas More, that is to say, the » representation of an ideal reality and flawless ».Indeed, the diffusion of ideas, important to companies through vectors where information is seen as a strategic means of action which is based, as appropriate, on levers which, even in the recent past, could be considered as utopian (in the sense of ideal ways difficult to understand) laboratory of ideas, international forums, professional networking, Internet, social networks, foundations, lobbies, (...) and is now emerging as tools for preparation of strategic business decisions. Based on these levers, the SI is able to construct a reality that is sought by companies and therefore contingent on their interests ? This reality is a vein of a utopia ? The energy sector is illustrative of the emergence of new information channels, starting new utopias, both the challenges and constant changes are heavy direct and indirect (technological, geopolitical, geostrategic, geo-economic, regulatory implications, structural...).The objective of this paper is to show how the SI is based on the new territories of information to build a new reality, analyzing the role of SI in the energy sector. Two parties about the structure will follow. The first part, focuses on the supply of new vectors and the social acceptability of SI strategic information. The second part, concerns the role of IS in energy companies and the construction of reality by the latter.

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