OpenMethods introduction to: What Counts as Culture? Part I: Sentiment Analysis of The Times Music Reviews, 1950-2009 – train in the distance

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  • handle:  10670/1.i63b0k


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Erzsebet Tóth-Czifra, « OpenMethods introduction to: What Counts as Culture? Part I: Sentiment Analysis of The Times Music Reviews, 1950-2009 – train in the distance », OpenMethods: Highlighting Digital Humanities Methods and Tools, ID : 10670/1.i63b0k


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Introduction: This blog post by Lucy Havens presents a sentiment analysis of over 2000 Times Music Reviews using freely available tools: defoe for building the corpus of reviews, VADER for sentiment analysis and Jupiter Notebooks to provide a rich documentation and to connect the different components of the analysis. The description of the workflow comes with tool and method criticism reflections, including an outlook how to improve and continue to get better and more results.

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