Chloé Guillot-Soulez et al., « Soignants en EHPAD : identification des stratégies de défense identitaire face au sale boulot », Revue internationale de psychosociologie et de gestion des comportements organisationnels, ID : 10670/1.jbsfvc
This research is based on the theory of social identity and the concept of dirty work to study the identity defense strategies of caregivers in nursing homes. Faced with devalued work, we analyze the identity defense strategies mobilized by caregivers to find or restore meaning to their work. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 65 caregivers in nursing homes. The data collected was subjected to a lexicometric analysis using Iramuteq software. Six identity defense strategies are identified: 1) defending and recommending the profession, 2) emphasizing the usefulness and meaning of the profession, 3) accepting the negative image, 4) promoting the profession by talking about nursing homes as places to live, 5) make known the relational richness of the job, 6) highlight the physical and psychological difficulty of the job. Thus, caregivers favor reframing and refocusing as professional normalization strategies. These results make it possible better to understand how caregivers in nursing homes remedy a loss of meaning in the work of caregivers. For a real revaluation of this profession, we identify action levers at an organizational level but also at a societal level.