From emergency to structure: ways to fight Covid-19 via international cooperation in health from Brazil

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Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional

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Ademar Pozzatti et al., « From emergency to structure: ways to fight Covid-19 via international cooperation in health from Brazil », Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional, ID : 10670/1.k9ex71


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"This article argues the need for complementarity between emergency and structuring international cooperation in scenarios of health crises in developing countries. Through a review of contemporary literature and document analysis, it analyzes some aspects of the performance of global and Latin American institutions in the Covid-19 pandemic in light of this argument. It also makes a brief survey of forms of international cooperation that emerge from Brazil, with BRICS and Latin American partners, to fight the pandemic, which have a local and sectoral character: paradiplomacy, structuring networks and the role of local agents and health experts."

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