O modelo bioético principialista para a análise da moralidade da pesquisa científica envolvendo seres humanos ainda é satisfatório?

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Ciência & Saúde Coletiva

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Marisa Palácios et al., « O modelo bioético principialista para a análise da moralidade da pesquisa científica envolvendo seres humanos ainda é satisfatório? », Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, ID : 10670/1.kj1fwz


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"This paper discusses the application ofprinciplism to research involving human subjects,starting from the question of its pertinence in thecurrent situation of the paradigmatic pluralizationon science and the multiplication of models ofethical evaluation in the complex societies. Highlightsthat the development of modern scientificmedicine depended strongly on human experimentationand that up to the mid 20ieth century thegood intention of the researcher was, theoretically,enough to justify a research morally, but thatwith the twofold paradigmatic transition in Scienceand in Ethics, occurred in the course of the20ieth century, a pluralization and complexificationtook form in both the scientific know-howand the field of ethics applied to scientific research,which on normative level was in the uncomfortablesituation of having to deal with a permanentcontestation of scientific and ethic paradigms. Inthe field of ethics, other principles also pass to guidedecisions such as the principles of protection, applicableto situations of need as they arise mainlyin the case of the populations of the Third World.Finally, principlism is pertinent in its generalphilosophic posture and methodological value, butinsufficient when applied to the moral problems ofpublic health and in particular to research ethicsin dependent countries."

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