La qualité de vie à l’école des enfants placés en foyer : le rôle de l’attachement et des problèmes extériorisés

Résumé Fr En

Cette recherche s’intéresse à la qualité de vie (QDV) à l’école des enfants placés. Elle a pour objectif de déterminer si les difficultés que peuvent éprouver ces enfants à s’épanouir dans le contexte scolaire sont liées à la qualité de leurs représentations d’attachement et si cette relation peut s’expliquer par leurs problèmes de comportement.

This research focuses on the Quality of School life (QOSL) of children living in residential care. Its objective is to determine whether the difficulties these children may encounter in their school life are related to the quality of their attachment representations and to determine to what extent this relationship can be explained by their behavioral problems. The study involved 40 children aged 4 to 10 years old who were placed in residential care. Their QOSL and behavioral problems were assessed by their referring educators using the CBCL (Achenbach, 1999) and KINDL-R questionnaires (Ravens-Sieberer & Bullinger, 1998), and their attachment representations were explored with the Attachment Story Completion Task (Bretherton, Ridgeway & Cassidy, 1990; Miljkovitch & Pierrehumbert, 2008). The results highlight the mediating role of externalized problems in the relationship between children’s attachment disorganization and their QOSL. These results provide a better understanding of the QOSL in children placed in residential care and its relationship with attachment and behavior problems. Finally, they allow to consider implications for both practice and research.

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