The Shock of Widowhood on the Eve of Old Age: Male and Female Experiences

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Christiane Delbès et al., « The Shock of Widowhood on the Eve of Old Age: Male and Female Experiences », Population, ID : 10.2307/3246620


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Delbès Christiane, Gaymu Joëlle.- The Shock of Widowhood on the Eve of Old Age: Male and Female Experiences In France today nearly 4 million people are widowed. This marital status is a characteristic of the elderly but also of women: 84% of the widowed are widows. The present longitudinal study describes the context of widowhood between ages 62 and 75 and the subsequent reorganization of life, on the basis of a comparison between widowed and married respondents. It shows how the adaptation to widowhood can be more or less difficult for men and women. The main areas of retired life (family and leisure activities) are examined. A substantial part of the study focuses on the psychological consequences of widowhood. All the indicators suggest that the widows' life is more difficult. They have a more negative view of life and of retirement, suffer more frequently from loneliness, and are more subject to depressive tendencies. Their lesser involvement in leisure activities and their greater social isolation show how much they are disadvantaged. Although excess mortality following the loss of a spouse is much higher for men than for women, those who avoid death appear to adapt better than women to the loss of their spouse.

Delbès Christiane, Gaymu Joëlle.- The Shock of Widowhood on the Eve of Old Age: Male and Female Experiences In France today nearly 4 million people are widowed. This marital status is a characteristic of the elderly but also of women: 84% of the widowed are widows. The present longitudinal study describes the context of widowhood between ages 62 and 75 and the subsequent reorganization of life, on the basis of a comparison between widowed and married respondents. It shows how the adaptation to widowhood can be more or less difficult for men and women. The main areas of retired life (family and leisure activities) are examined. A substantial part of the study focuses on the psychological consequences of widowhood. All the indicators suggest that the widows' life is more difficult. They have a more negative view of life and of retirement, suffer more frequently from loneliness, and are more subject to depressive tendencies. Their lesser involvement in leisure activities and their greater social isolation show how much they are disadvantaged. Although excess mortality following the loss of a spouse is much higher for men than for women, those who avoid death appear to adapt better than women to the loss of their spouse.

Delbès Christiane, Gaymu Joëlle.- El impacto de la viudedad al inicio de la vejez: experiencias masculinas y femeninas Actualmente, en Francia, hay casi 4 millones de personas viudas. Esta situación conyu- gal caracteriza a las personas de más edad y también a las mujeres: el 84% de las personas viudas son mujeres. Este estudio longitudinal describe el contexto en el que se ha producido el aumento de la viudedad entre los 62 y los 75 aňos, y la reorganización de la vida que esta supone, en base a una comparación entre los encuestados que siguen casados y los que se quedaron viudos. El estudio muestra que aspectos de la adaptación a la viudedad son más y menos difíciles según el sexo. Se examinan las esferas esenciales de la vida de los jubilados, la familia y el ocio. Una parte importante de esta investigación se centra en evaluar las repercusiones psicológicas de este acontecimiento. Todos los indicadores sugieren que la vida cotidiana de las viudas es más difícil. Tie- nen una percepción más negativa de la vida y de la jubilación, sufren más de soledad y tienen mayor tendencia a la depresión. Su menor integración al mundo del ocio y su mayor aisla- mieno social son otra muestra de hasta que punto están penalizadas. Si la sobre- mortalidad de los hombres al enviudar es muy superior a la de las mujeres, los que sobreviven parecen adaptarse mejor a la pérdida del cónyuge.

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