Suicide risk in cocaine addicts with a current depressive episode: Feelings and experiences

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SMAD, Revista Electrónica en Salud Mental, Alcohol y Drogas

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Caroline Neubüser Rocha et al., « Suicide risk in cocaine addicts with a current depressive episode: Feelings and experiences », SMAD, Revista Electrónica en Salud Mental, Alcohol y Drogas, ID : 10670/1.l78n0s


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"Original Article 78 S uicide ri S k in cocaine addict S with a current depre SS ive epi S ode : feeling S and experience S Caroline Neubüser Rocha 1 Daniélle Bernardi Silveira 2 Roger Santos Camargo 3 Simone Fernandes 4 Maristela Ferigolo 5 Helena Maria Tannhauser Barros 6 Death by suicide is now the third most frequent cause of death in the population 15-44 years old. This self-inflicted death has meaning that requires understanding and attention. The objective of this study was to understand the experiences and feelings of cocaine users within the relationship of addiction and suicide. This is a qualitative study conducted from August 2012 to February 2013. The 18 individuals who met criteria for a depressive episode responded to the semi-structured interview for suicide risk, the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview. During the analysis of the narrated content, there were three categories established: previous history, previous suicide attempts, and depression. The results were evaluated seeking to reflect and understand the experiences exposed by users. This study helps to understand the meaning of the experiences and feelings of crack/cocaine users who are at the risk for suicide."

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