Profile of earners and remittances in Mexico: a relative deprivation approach

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Contaduría y Administración

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Cuauhtémoc Calderón Villarreal et al., « Profile of earners and remittances in Mexico: a relative deprivation approach », Contaduría y Administración, ID : 10670/1.ljyuih


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"This research analyzes the individual qualities and microeco- nomic profiles from mexican workers in Mexico, which under relative deprivation conditions, take the choice to leave the country as an alternative way to improve their life expecta- tions. It is found that mexican assistance programs encompass heterogeneous results and thus, are not a generalized signal of improvement for the families. Using a Multinomial Logit spec- ification we found that public assistance programs reinforce relative deprivation of non-migrants families on those who have relatives who migrated. Human capital attributes pres- ent a direct relation with the process of migration not only for traditional exporting labor regions, but also for the north-bor- der of the country. The south supports the relative deprivation hypothesis meanwhile, is not the case for the USA-mexican border States."

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