Climate Change in North America: Risks, Impacts, and Adaptation. A Reflection Based on the IPCC Report AR6 - 2022

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1 décembre 2022

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Simone Lucatello et al., « Climate Change in North America: Risks, Impacts, and Adaptation. A Reflection Based on the IPCC Report AR6 - 2022 », Revista mexicana de economía y finanzas, ID : 10670/1.lvbdy4


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The impacts of climate change are global in scope and unprecedented in scale, and the increasing frequency and severity of extreme events, from rising temperatures, droughts, extreme rainfall, and rising sea levels, have increased throughout North America. Without immediate action, adaptation to climate change will be more difficult and costly, particularly for the most vulnerable social groups and economic activities and ecosystems in the area. In this article we reflect on the evidence recently produced by the Working Group 2 of the IPCC - the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - in relation to the North American region (Canada, USA, Mexico). The evaluation methods of the information used for the report on “Impacts, adaptation and Vulnerability” are based on impacts and adaptation assessments revised in the available literature on the topic. We also seek to highlight their economic and financial dimension for the North American region. In the future, it is necessary to delve into the impacts of climate change at the subnational level in the North American region and in Mexico.

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