Laurent De Briey, « De la continuité entre morale et politique : éthique minimale ou perfectionnisme politique ? », Revue d'éthique et de théologie morale, ID : 10670/1.memjnr
Of continuity between moral and politics : minimal ethics or political perfectionism ? Ruwen Ogien argues that there is a degree of continuity between ethical and political theory whereas liberal political philosophy focuses exclusively on the political sphere. Is it then possible to take a liberal position refuting Ogien’s minimalist ethics ? This is Maillard’s avowed design when she revisits such concepts as duties to oneself, dignity, or the conception of a good life. One therefore needs to closely examine the concrete examples chosen by Maillard in support of her theses, namely voluntary slavery, prostitution or organ donation and discuss how she uses them. The line is blurred between duties to oneself and duties to others favouring a moderate form of perfectionism.