Compulsory online tax returns

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IDP. Revista de Internet, Derecho y Política

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Ana María Delgado García, « Compulsory online tax returns », IDP. Revista de Internet, Derecho y Política, ID : 10670/1.mhi0lf


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"In general, submitting tax returns online is optional for taxpayers. Nonetheless, legislation provides for online submission to be made compulsory in certain cases, for taxpayers for whom, due to their economic or technical capacity, professional activity or other accepted factors, access to and the availability of the necessary technological resources are guaranteed. In that regard, it must be borne in mind that some taxpayers, particularly individuals, do not have the technical and economic resources to submit returns online. One of a number of measures geared towards making submission easier for such taxpayers consists of allowing returns to be submitted on behalf of third parties in the context of social collaboration in the collection of taxes. Such collaboration takes on greater importance in cases in which online interaction with the tax authorities is compulsory."

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