September 15, 2022
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Cécile Cunin, « Guirlandes de fleurs et sorcellerie. Féminin naturel, féminin surnaturel et autres perspectives sur l’art brut au prisme du genre », Déméter. Théories et pratiques artistiques contemporaines, ID : 10.54563/demeter.825
Art brut was first conceived by the painter Jean Dubuffet as opposed to cultural art, which covers more a binarity between the values of the "common man" and the values of the bourgeoisie than between nature and culture. Nevertheless, art brut does not escape the tendency to designate certain characteristics of the works and artists as natural. Through the examination of several texts, notably by Dubuffet, we demonstrate that the "brutification" of works produced by female creators involves the reaffirmation of characteristics considered naturally feminine (including “supernatural” characteristics). Other approaches to these works through the prism of gender have nevertheless been proposed : we examine some of them and extend the reflection.