Evaluación de actitudes sexuales machistas en universitarios: primeros datos psicométricos de las versiones españolas de la Double Standard Scale (DSS) y de la Rape Supportive Attitude Scale (RSAS)

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International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy

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Antonio Rojas et al., « Evaluación de actitudes sexuales machistas en universitarios: primeros datos psicométricos de las versiones españolas de la Double Standard Scale (DSS) y de la Rape Supportive Attitude Scale (RSAS) », International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, ID : 10670/1.ojble9


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"Evaluating sexist attitudes with university students: First psychometric data of Spanishversions of the Double Standard Scale (DSS) and the Rape Supportive Attitude Scale(RSAS). First psychometric data of two questionnaires assessing sexist attittudes on Spanishsamples are introduced in this paper: Double Standard Scale (DSS) and Rape SupportiveAttitude Scale (RSAS). Both scales, along with the Sexual Opinion Survey (SOS), wereadministrated to university students (151 men and 249 women). In accordance with theirauthors’ proposal, our findings reproduced the single-factor structure on each scale. Reliabilityestimation through Cronbach’s alpha evidenced similar coefficients to those reported withthe original scales, ranging from .70 to .76 for the DSS, and from .91 to .92 for the RSAS.Hypothesized correlations with the scores on negative attitudes toward sexuality -erotophobiaand homophobia- provided evidence that supports the measurement validity of the DSSand the RSAS. On the other hand, regarding some problematic items from our analyses,the need to refine both instruments in future research is suggested. Finally, the presenceof sexual prejudices in our society is discussed."

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