OpenMethods introduction to: Find research data repositories for the humanities - the data deposit recommendation service

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  • handle:  10670/1.ox0tj7


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Erzsebet Tóth-Czifra, « OpenMethods introduction to: Find research data repositories for the humanities - the data deposit recommendation service », OpenMethods: Highlighting Digital Humanities Methods and Tools, ID : 10670/1.ox0tj7


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Introduction: Finding  suitable research data repositories that best match the technical or legal requirements of your research data is not always an easy task. This paper, authored by Stephan Buddenbohm, Maaikew de Jong, Jean-Luc Minel  and Yoann Moranville showcase the demonstrator instance of the Data Deposit Recommendation Service (DDRS), an application built on top of the re3data database specifically for scholars working in the Humanities domain. The paper  also highlights further directions of developing the tool, many of which implicitly bring sustainability issues to the table.

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