Quality of health care of the medical units that provide services for Medical Insurance for a New Generation enrollees

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Salud Pública de México

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Luis Durán-Arenas et al., « Quality of health care of the medical units that provide services for Medical Insurance for a New Generation enrollees », Salud Pública de México, ID : 10670/1.pmg86c


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"Objective. In this evaluation we assess the quality of the general and clinical structure in medical units that deliver health services for the Medical Insurance for a New Generation (SMNG) enrollees. Materials and methods. The study population included 82 medical units that deliver health services to enrollees of the SMNG in 15 states of Mexico, during 2009. Two indexes: the general structure index and the clinical structure index were created. Results. It was found an unequal quality of the general and clinical structure in the different levels of care. The results suggest that the first level of care lacks both important general and clinical structural items. They also show on average a regular quality in the second level of care and a good quality in the third level of care medical units. Conclusions. Our results support the main conclusion of the work of Bulatao, "Improving services requires moving beyond policy reform to strengthening implementation of services"."

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