Exploring impression management tactics within the Afrikaans Coloured culture in a formal setting

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1 janvier 2022

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Lauren Delport et al., « Exploring impression management tactics within the Afrikaans Coloured culture in a formal setting », SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, ID : 10670/1.qixqq6


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ORIENTATION: Impression management (IM) tactics are displayed by Afrikaans Coloured individuals in formal settings. The formal setting (workplace) entails interactions with colleagues and supervisorsRESEARCH PURPOSE: Explore and identify IM tactics displayed in the Afrikaans Coloured culture in a formal settingMOTIVATION FOR THE STUDY: This study forms part of a bigger research project where research has been conducted on different cultural groups (e.g. White Afrikaans, Zulu and Tswana) in order to develop a social desirable measuring instrument specifically for the South African contextRESEARCH APPROACH, DESIGN AND METHOD: A qualitative research design was utilised based on a phenomenological approach, following an emic perspective. The sample consisted of (n = 11) Afrikaans Coloured individuals, with a tertiary qualification within South African organisations that comprised employees more than 50 people, situated in the Western Cape and Northern Cape provinces. For data collection, semi-structured interviews were conducted. Qualitative data analysis steps of Creswell was used to analyse dataMAIN FINDINGS: Results indicate that Africans Coloured individuals use different tactics when impressing colleagues and supervisors in the workplacePRACTICAL/MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS: This study provides the management of organisations the essential knowledge on the IM tactics that Afrikaans Coloured employees display in a formal settingCONTRIBUTION/VALUE-ADD: This study contributed to the body of knowledge regarding IM tactics that Afrikaans Coloured employees display. This study might enable organisations to better understand and manage individuals from this cultural group

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