Mémoire d’oubli — poèmes de Perelman, sculptures de Smithson

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12 septembre 2018


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Christine Savinel, « Mémoire d’oubli — poèmes de Perelman, sculptures de Smithson », Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, ID : 10670/1.r6vk2l


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This article analyzes some of the paradoxical connections between memory and oblivion in contemporary artistic creation. Land Artist Robert Smithson offers the sophisticated constructs of his Non-sites: sculptures that question the memorial capacity of the museum while being themselves endowed with the temporality of their own disappearance. Language poet Bob Perelman, both in his collection The Future of Memory and in his prose poem «NOTes on Memoir», writes of and from autobiographical gaps and textual lapses in one’s recollections. Sharing the vision of an entropic condition, Smithson and Perelman ironically dramatize or deflate the deceptions, manipulations and creative shortcomings of memory. They invent works of art that coincide with «ruins in reverse» or with the «holes» in a «zero panorama». In both cases, the photographic and cinematographic procedures come to support their aesthetic propositions as to the creative form of a gap in memory — one that could lead just as well to nonsense as, paradoxically, to time immemorial.

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