Attention, memory and verbal learning and their relation to schizotypal traits in unaffected parents of schizophrenic patients

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International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology

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Neus Barrantes-Vidal et al., « Attention, memory and verbal learning and their relation to schizotypal traits in unaffected parents of schizophrenic patients », International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, ID : 10670/1.rnjcyn


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"The main objective of this ex post facto study is to compare the differencesin cognitive functions and their relation to schizotypal personality traits between agroup of unaffected parents of schizophrenic patients and a control group. A total of 52unaffected biological parents of schizophrenic patients and 52 unaffected parents ofunaffected subjects were assessed in measures of attention (Continuous PerformanceTest- Identical Pairs Version, CPT-IP), memory and verbal learning (California VerbalLearning Test, CVLT) as well as schizotypal personality traits (Oxford-Liverpool Inventoryof Feelings and Experiences, O-LIFE). The parents of the patients with schizophreniadiffer from the parents of the control group in omission errors on the ContinuousPerformance Test- Identical Pairs, on a measure of recall and on two contrast measuresof the California Verbal Learning Test. The associations between neuropsychologicalvariables and schizotpyal traits are of a low magnitude. There is no defined pattern ofthe relationship between cognitive measures and schizotypal traits."

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