Sustainability marketing strategies of companies in Mexico

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1 avril 2022

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Sustainability science

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Maria G. Morales-González et al., « Sustainability marketing strategies of companies in Mexico », Cuadernos de Administración (Universidad del Valle), ID : 10670/1.rweo71


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To bridge the gap in the sustainability marketing literature, this research aims to identify sustainability marketing strategies (SMS) in companies through their sustainability reports in Mexico. The empirical analysis used data from 47 firms from different sectors listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange (MSE) and from corporations published in the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) database. Through content analysis and cluster analysis, it was identified that enterprises are adopting SMS, addressing the stakeholders in their value chain: sourcing, production and distribution. However, most of them are at an adoption stage, focusing their efforts on implementing sustainability practices in their sourcing and production activities, leaving distribution as an area of opportunity. This research is based on companies from an emerging economy country, contributing direct data obtained from their published reports as an approach to the phenomenon of sustainability in marketing. Future studies could compare companies from developed and developing countries.

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