Feminist interpretation in the context of reformational theology: A consideration

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1 janvier 2009

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C. Nunes et al., « Feminist interpretation in the context of reformational theology: A consideration », In die Skriflig, ID : 10670/1.s53o0l


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This article explores the contribution that Biblical interpretation from a feminist perspective may make in the context of reformational theology. After an overview of the diverse nature of feminist Biblical interpretation that in itself stems from specific developments in hermeneutics, this article explores the contributions made by two prominent scholars in this field, namely Schüssler-Fiorenza and Trible. These contributions are then brought to bear on the South African situation and the debate on the role of women in the church. A suggestion is made as to the contribution that the work of Schüssler-Fiorenza and Trible can make in this context.

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