Biodegradation kinetics of o-cresol by Pseudomonas putida DSM 548 (pJP4) and o-cresol removal in a batch-recirculation bioreactor system

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1 janvier 2012

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Yasin Kaymaz et al., « Biodegradation kinetics of o-cresol by Pseudomonas putida DSM 548 (pJP4) and o-cresol removal in a batch-recirculation bioreactor system », Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, ID : 10670/1.ssr8qa


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The biodegradation kinetics of o-cresol was examined by acclimatized P. putida DSM 548 (pJP4) in batch experiments at varying initial o-cresol concentrations (from 50 to 500 mg/L). The kinetic parameters of o-cresol aerobic biodegradation were estimated by using the Haldane substrate inhibition equation. The biodegradation kinetics of o-cresol was investigated. In batch culture reactors, the Maximum specific growth rate (μmax), Monod constant (Ks) and the inhibition constant (Ki) were established as 0.519 h-1, 223.84 mg/L and 130.883 mg/L, respectively. o-cresol biodegradation in a batch-recirculation bioreactor system by immobilized P. putida was also studied. The recycled packed bed reactor system, which was composed of Ca-alginate beads and pumice on which cells immobilized, has been performed to determine possible stability for further developments.

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