Educação permanente em alimentação e nutrição na Estratégia Saúde da Família: encontros e desencontros em municípios brasileiros de grande porte

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Luciani Martins Ricardi et al., « Educação permanente em alimentação e nutrição na Estratégia Saúde da Família: encontros e desencontros em municípios brasileiros de grande porte », Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, ID : 10670/1.upvn4k


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"This study sought to ascertain the fa - cilitating and inhibiting factors and strategies used by 28 major Brazilian cities in conducting ongoing food and nutrition education within the Family Health Strategy. It involved a qualitative study of multiple cases. The data collection tech - nique was conducted in interviews with munici - pal coordinators of food and nutrition campaigns from the five regions of the country. The study was conducted between 2009 and 2010. NVivo 10 software was used and content analysis was divided up into thematic categories. Forty-four professionals were interviewed, 19 of which were nutritionists. Most cities were from the Northeast and Southeast; 14 were capitals, 7 were metropo - lises and 14 had Family Health Suppor Units. The most frequently mentioned facilitating factors for Ongoing Education in Nutrition were partner - ships and the availability of funds. The most fre - quent inhibiting factors were difficulty in schedul - ing and a lack of professionals in management of nutrition actions. The strategies most commonly used were conducting training at the local level, in groups and planning and programming. The con - clusion drawn is that more investment is needed for Ongoing Education in Feeding and Nutrition to be effectively implemented."

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