Die missionale kerk in informele behuisingsgemeenskappe

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1 janvier 2017

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Pieter Verster, « Die missionale kerk in informele behuisingsgemeenskappe », In die Skriflig, ID : 10670/1.yrz4lo


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Mission in informal settlements faces huge challenges, which include poor living conditions and structures, lack of infrastructure and medical facilities, extreme poverty, illnesses, criminality, youth subcultures, et cetera. Massive urbanisation plays an important role in this regard. From the missio Dei perspective the missional church should view the communities with a holistic approach. Missio Dei means that the living God sends his Son to the world in need so that the church, through the Holy Spirit, can become a mission church. The glory of Jesus Christ is central in the proclamation of this message and transcendence should be acknowledged in mission. The living church will emphasise and live out kerugma, diakonia, marturia, koinonia and leiturgia. Much attention will be given to Christian hope to empower communities who live under dire circumstances. Love and justice will also be emphasised. Only when the missional church becomes a true living church can the full community be served.

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