Tax incentives and financial performance: empirical evidence of Ecuadorian companies

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1 août 2022

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Fernando Córdova-León et al., « Tax incentives and financial performance: empirical evidence of Ecuadorian companies », Cuadernos de Administración (Universidad del Valle), ID : 10670/1.ze8406


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Fiscal policy is one of the economic aspects that demands the most significant attention from the State and the productive sectors due to, this is an economic policy tool that can influence the behavior of economic agents and the production in a country. Tax incentives are commonly applied to promote the business competitiveness of the above. Tax incentives are commonly applied to promote business competitiveness from those above. The objective of this study sought to analyze the impact caused by tax benefits on the financial performance of companies in the manufacturing and trade sectors of Ecuador in the period 2015 - 2018. Through a comparative analysis using economic indicators and a multiple regression model, the authors of this research studied the impact of this strategy on the profitability of companies. The study showed that companies that apply tax incentives reflect a better financial position; therefore, the smaller the size of the company, the higher levels of profitability they demonstrate in terms of business investment.

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