Simple Mechanisms for Agents with Non-linear Utilities

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1 mars 2020

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  • 2003.00545



Cornell University

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Yiding Feng et al., « Simple Mechanisms for Agents with Non-linear Utilities », arXiv - économie

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We show that economic conclusions derived from Bulow and Roberts (1989) for linear utility models approximately extend to non-linear utility models. Specifically, we quantify the extent to which agents with non-linear utilities resemble agents with linear utilities, and we show that the approximation of mechanisms for agents with linear utilities approximately extend for agents with non-linear utilities. We illustrate the framework for the objectives of revenue and welfare on non-linear models that include agents with budget constraints, agents with risk aversion, and agents with endogenous valuations. We derive bounds on how much these models resemble the linear utility model and combine these bounds with well-studied approximation results for linear utility models. We conclude that simple mechanisms are approximately optimal for these non-linear agent models.

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