How Unique is Milwaukee's 53206? An Examination of Disaggregated Socioeconomic Characteristics Across the City and Beyond

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12 mai 2021

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  • 2105.06021



Cornell University

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Scott W. Hegerty, « How Unique is Milwaukee's 53206? An Examination of Disaggregated Socioeconomic Characteristics Across the City and Beyond », arXiv - économie

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Milwaukee's 53206 ZIP code, located on the city's near North Side, has drawn considerable attention for its poverty and incarceration rates, as well as for its large proportion of vacant properties. As a result, it has benefited from targeted policies at the city level. Keeping in mind that ZIP codes are often not the most effective unit of geographic analysis, this study investigates Milwaukee's socioeconomic conditions at the block group level. These smaller areas' statistics are then compared with those of their corresponding ZIP codes. The 53206 ZIP code is compared against others in Milwaukee for eight socioeconomic variables and is found to be near the extreme end of most rankings. This ZIP code would also be among Chicago's most extreme areas, but would lie near the middle of the rankings if located in Detroit. Parts of other ZIP codes, which are often adjacent, are statistically similar to 53206, however--suggesting that a focus solely on ZIP codes, while a convenient shorthand, might overlook neighborhoods that have similar need for investment. A multivariate index created for this study performs similarly to a standard multivariate index of economic deprivation if spatial correlation is taken into account, confirming that poverty and other socioeconomic stresses are clustered, both in the 53206 ZIP code and across Milwaukee.

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