Faster estimation of dynamic discrete choice models using index invertibility

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4 avril 2023

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  • 2304.02171



Cornell University

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Jackson Bunting et al., « Faster estimation of dynamic discrete choice models using index invertibility », arXiv - économie

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Many estimators of dynamic discrete choice models with persistent unobserved heterogeneity have desirable statistical properties but are computationally intensive. In this paper we propose a method to quicken estimation for a broad class of dynamic discrete choice problems by exploiting semiparametric index restrictions. Specifically, we propose an estimator for models whose reduced form parameters are invertible functions of one or more linear indices (Ahn, Ichimura, Powell and Ruud 2018), a property we term index invertibility. We establish that index invertibility implies a set of equality constraints on the model parameters. Our proposed estimator uses the equality constraints to decrease the dimension of the optimization problem, thereby generating computational gains. Our main result shows that the proposed estimator is asymptotically equivalent to the unconstrained, computationally heavy estimator. In addition, we provide a series of results on the number of independent index restrictions on the model parameters, providing theoretical guidance on the extent of computational gains. Finally, we demonstrate the advantages of our approach via Monte Carlo simulations.

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