The use of trade data in the analysis of global phosphate flows

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12 mai 2023

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  • 2305.07362



Cornell University

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Matthias Raddant et al., « The use of trade data in the analysis of global phosphate flows », arXiv - économie

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In this paper we present a new method to trace the flows of phosphate from the countries where it is mined to the countries where it is used in agricultural production. We achieve this by combining data on phosphate rock mining with data on fertilizer use and data on international trade of phosphate-related products. We show that by making adjustments to data on net exports and by estimating weighting factors we can derive the matrix of phosphate flows on the country level to a large degree and thus contribute to the accuracy of material flow analyses, a results that is important for improving environmental accounting, not only for phosphorus but for many other resources.

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