Decision Theory for Treatment Choice Problems with Partial Identification

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29 décembre 2023

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  • 2312.17623



Cornell University

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José Luis Montiel Olea et al., « Decision Theory for Treatment Choice Problems with Partial Identification », arXiv - économie

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We apply classical statistical decision theory to a large class of treatment choice problems with partial identification, revealing important theoretical and practical challenges but also interesting research opportunities. The challenges are: In a general class of problems with Gaussian likelihood, all decision rules are admissible; it is maximin-welfare optimal to ignore all data; and, for severe enough partial identification, there are infinitely many minimax-regret optimal decision rules, all of which sometimes randomize the policy recommendation. The opportunities are: We introduce a profiled regret criterion that can reveal important differences between rules and render some of them inadmissible; and we uniquely characterize the minimax-regret optimal rule that least frequently randomizes. We apply our results to aggregation of experimental estimates for policy adoption, to extrapolation of Local Average Treatment Effects, and to policy making in the presence of omitted variable bias.

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