Instrumental genesis and heuristic strategies as frameworks to geometric modeling in connecting physical and digital environments

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6 février 2019

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Diego Lieban et al., « Instrumental genesis and heuristic strategies as frameworks to geometric modeling in connecting physical and digital environments », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10670/1.5n19qy


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This study aims to offer frameworks for exploring geometric modeling while combining physical and digital resources in teaching and learning of mathematics. Originally designed as a task to tackle pre-service teachers’ learning transition from 2D to 3D under the lens of instrumental genesis approach, our study revealed how heuristic strategies from Polya spontaneously emerged through the process of digital representations. The use of physical simulation was helpful in supporting participants to better comprehend and describe action of joints and to (re)interpret their mathematical behaviour, which was not possible when they were working only in the digital environment. The combined use of both physical and digital resources appears to bring a relevant contribution for refining students’ thinking and enhance their mental schemes or strategies through of the modeling processes.

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