E-Motion mis-sight and other temporal processing disorders in autism. Invited Commentary

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This invited commentary gives us the opportunity to complete our view on Motion perception in autism. We were the first to show in 1995 that subjects with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) present more or less severe impairments to attend to, proceed and integrate physical and biological movements online, particularly rapid ones. Here we propose that this E-Motion mis-sight is one example, among others occurring in auditory and proprioceptive modalities, of more basic and pervasive temporospatial processing disorders of sensory flows. In other words, the environmental world is going too fast to be proceeded on time by the autistic brain, leading to the communicative, cognitive and imitative disorders of people with ASD. This original view is opening new lines for reeducation, i.e., individuals with ASD should logically benefit from a slowed down information in their environment in terms of perception, comprehension and imitation of visual and auditory events. Some recent results confirm this view.

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