Endless birth: Art-crossing and Code-mixing in Picasso's and Dali's Literary Texts

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Marcos Eymar, « Endless birth: Art-crossing and Code-mixing in Picasso's and Dali's Literary Texts », HAL-SHS : littérature, ID : 10670/1.hotshc


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The article explores Picasso's and Dali's literary work as an essential expression of their Avant-Garde endeavor. Accomplished under the sphere of influence of Surrealism, which challenged the differentiation between text and image, their poems, theater plays and essays show intertwine both by the means of illustrations, the pervasiveness of color, reflections on painting… Furthermore, their literary work transgresses national and linguistic boundaries by code-mixing between French and Spanish and the breaking-up of grammatical rules. Thus, their literary work asserts their artistic freedom from any form of established tradition. Away from their precocious command of painting, in another art and another tongue, Picasso and Dalí found a stimulating sense of newness and spontaneity that satisfied they desire for endlessly reinventing and recreating themselves.

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