Placement test for the beginning of tenth grade class in 2020: improved performance in French, but results still vary according to the characteristics of the students and the schools

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Sandra Andreu et al., « Placement test for the beginning of tenth grade class in 2020: improved performance in French, but results still vary according to the characteristics of the students and the schools », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10.48464/ni-21-17-eng


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In September 2020, more than 700,000 tenth-grade students took a placement test to assess their learning outcomes and needs in order to offer them personalized support and to remedy any difficulties they may have. In the general and technological branch, more than nine out of ten students have a satisfactory or very good mastery of knowledge and skills in French. In Mathematics, more than eight out of ten students have a satisfactory or very good mastery of knowledge and skills. In the professional branch, nearly six out of ten students have a satisfactory or very good mastery of knowledge and skills in French and nearly four out of ten in Mathematics. Boys performed better than girls in Mathematics, regardless of the branch of study. In French, girls’ results are slightly higher. The results are correlated with the sector of schooling, especially in Mathematics, and significant differences are observed according to the social profile of the high school. In 2020, we note an improvement in French results compared to 2019. In Mathematics, the results are stable in the general and technological branch, but lower in the professional one.

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