ISIDORE APIs are available at through the GET method on HTTP or HTTPS. They provide a fast, accurate and reliable service for querying ISIDORE data with extensive search functionalities (autocompletion, spelling correction, multi-criteria, boolean and faceted searches, sorting, aggregation of responses, etc.).
Each request to the engine is submitted through a URI pointing to a specific web service. The response is a stream in XML (default format) or JSON format.
For example: full-text search on a maximum of 5 resources containing the term "cnrs".
We provide the following 8 services: : to carry out research on resources
For example: theses in Linguistics about cartography:
Available parameters: q, output, page, replies, sort, lang, facet, cluster
List of possible filters: uri, author, authorId, date, language, type, discipline, subject, source, scope
List of available facets: author, date, language, type, discipline, subject, source, scope : to get research suggestions on resources
For example: autocompletion on concepts and authors starting with "mar"
For example: autocompletion on the first 15 authors starting with "wal" : to access the detailed content of a resource
Available parameter: uri : to carry out research on sources
ex : For example: "Publication" type sources related to music
Available parameters: q, output, page, replies, lang, facet, cluster
List of possible filters: scope, collection, organization, project
List of available facets: scope, collection, organization, project : to get research suggestions on sources
ex : autocompletion on sources containing the term "revue francaise" : to carry out research on the vocabularies used by ISIDORE for metadata enrichment
For example: all concepts related to the web
For example: concepts related to politics in Rameau or Pactols
Available parameters: q, output, page, replies, lang, facet, cluster
List of possible filters: referentiel
List of available facets: referentiel : to get suggestions of notation terms on the vocabularies used by ISIDORE
For example: autocompletion on ten concepts starting with "vedet"
Queries to the ISIDORE API are built using the following parameters:
Name | Description | Values/Examples | Notes |
q | query to be executed | q=radicalisation q=internet+SAUF+droit |
possible to use operators AND | OR | NOT and quotation marks |
output | Output format | possible values: xml (default) or json | XML schemas are given at the page bottom |
page | pagination/shift | page=3, to display results 21 to 30 if 10 documents per page | |
replies | maximum number of results per page | replies=25, to return 25 documents per page | by default, the system returns 10 documents; 1000 documents at most per request |
sort | sorting results | possible values: random, relevance (by relevance), novelty (by novelty), title_az|title_za (by title), author_az|author_za (by author name) or date_asc|date_desc (by date) | sorting is done in ascending (_asc, _az) or descending (_desc, _za) order |
lang | Labels language in the response flow | possible values: fr (French by default), en (English) or es (Spanish) | |
facet | facet(s) to be returned | facet=discipline (returns the discipline facet) facet=author,replies=100,sort=items,order=DESC&facet=language,sort=alpha,order=ASC (returns the author facet [first 100 sorted from the author with the most occurrences] AND the language facet [sorted alphabetically])) |
the list of available facets depends on the services (see above); the number of replies, sorting and order of a facet are managed by replies, sort and order |
cluster | filter on which you want to aggregate the results | cluster=scope,5 (cluster of 5 replies on the perimeter of the sources) | the results can only be aggregated by using one facet |
feed | selects an autocompletion base | Possible values : on resource : creators or subjects | |
uri | returns a resource according to its URI | uri=10670/1.zkmwro | |
author | filters resources according to an ISIDORE author id | author=minel_jean_luc | surname_firstname |
authorId | filters resources according to an author id | authorId=orcid:0000-0001-6253-6722 | alignment with ORCID (orcid:), IdRef (idref:), ISNI (isni:) and IdHAL (idhal:) |
date | filters resources according to their release date | date=1990 (resources of the 1990s) | the values of the available dates are present in the key attribute of the date facet |
language | filters resources according to their language | language= (resources in Italian) | the values of the available languages are present in the key attribute of the language facet |
type | filters resources according to their documentary typology (articles, web page, photos and images...) | type= (resources of type "article") | the values of the available types are present in the key attribute of the type facet |
discipline | filters resources by discipline | discipline= (resources in Law) | the values of the available disciplines are present in the key attribute of the discipline facet |
subject | filters resources by subject | subject= (resources enriched by "society" concept of Rameau) | |
source | filters resources according to a source | source=10670/2.1n5lcu (the resources of the source "Portail des instituts français de recherche à l'étranger") | the values of the available sources are present in the key attribute of the source facet |
scope | filters resources according to their documentary scope (source, event, publications, etc.) | scope= | the values of the available scopes are present in the key attribute of the scope facet |
collection | filters sources according to their collection | collection= (the sources of the collection "Archives ouvertes") | the values of the available collections are present in the key attribute of the collection facet |
organization | filters sources according to their organization | organization= (the sources of the organization "Bibliothèque nationale de France") | the values of the available organizations are present in the key attribute of the organization facet |
project | filters sources according to their project | project= | the values of the available projects are present in the key attribute of the project facet |
referentiel | filters concepts according to the uri of a vocabulary used in ISIDORE: Rameau, LCSH, BNE, Gemet, Pactols, Geoethno and Geonames for example | referentiel= | the list of vocabularies URIs can be found via this URL: facet=referentiel |
The XML responses of the ISIDORE API are based on the following schemas:
search, complete schema
<query text="" userId="" sessionId="" date=""> <!-- query keyword -->
<param name="" value=""/> <!-- list of query parameters -->
<performance durationMs=""/> <!-- response time in milliseconds -->
<meta items="" pageItems=""/> <!-- number of results and number returned per page -->
<facets> <!-- list of facets -->
<facet id="" type="" layout="">...</facet>
<content> <!-- list of results -->
<reply uri="">
<isidore>...</isidore> <!-- result -->
<page previous="" current="" next=""/> <!-- pagination -->
suggest, complete schema
<query text=""/> <!-- keyword for suggestion -->
<replies name="" items=""> <!-- response feed and number returned -->
<reply label=""/> <!-- result -->