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Elisabeth Vessilier, « Aspects financiers des nationalisations », Revue économique, ID : 10.3406/reco.1983.408727
Financial aspects of nationalisations Elisabeth Vessillier The equitable indemnisation of the former shareholders of firms nationalized in 1982 will cost in 1983 almost 10 thousand million French francs and is going to diminish thereafter due to the amortization of securities. However, the financial needs of the enlarged commercial public sector will amount to tens of thousand million (certainly more than 75) in 1983 and during the following years : high operating deficits that are traditional for enterprises in the public service sector, and recent for most of those that have been for long, or find themselves only now, exposed to economic competition ; very high investmentu financed by government capital endowment and contributions by its banks, financial institutions, insurance companies..., douhtless at the expense of private enterprise and households. What about the Stock Exchange ? Inspite of having been shaken from the rniddle of 81 to the middle of 82 by nationalizations, it fortunately continues to play its part the financing of the national economy.