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Lucien Jaume, « Tocqueville et le problème du pouvoir exécutif en 1848 », Revue française de science politique, ID : 10.3406/rfsp.1991.394599
Tocqueville and the problem of executive power in 1848 Confined to an oppositional role under the July monarchy, Tocqueville found in the 1848-1851 period an opportunity to put to a test his political and historic thinking. As a member of the Constitutional Committee, he exerted more influence than is generally said. Although the means he then proposed took circumstances into account, they are clarified by the theorist's analysis. But Tocqueville's thought and action met a series of contradictions related to his republican position and to the balance of forces then prevalent. Another problem then reappeared which, rightly or wrongly, has been felt to be recurrent in French history since the Revolution : how to free the republican executive from the monarchie past. This study on Tocqueville contributes to putting into perspective certain controversies concerning the Fifth Republic.