Lucie Morin et al., « La RSE et le développement de l’engagement anticipé des salariés : Une étude différenciée selon le genre et les objectifs de carrière », Management & Prospective, ID : 10670/1.zanptd
This quasi-experimental empirical study examines the causal relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) communication and job candidates’ anticipated affective commitment. This study also examines the moderating role of gender and career goals in the relationship between CSR and anticipated commitment. Participants were future managers enrolled in a business school. Results indicate that CSR communication has a significant direct effect on anticipated commitment. Participants who were exposed to a potential employer where CSR is important developed a significantly higher affective commitment towards that potential employer than participants exposed to a potential employer where CSR is not important. Results also show that gender and career goals have both a significant direct effect on anticipated commitment. In short, female participants have lower anticipated commitment than male participants and participants with strong career goals have lower anticipated commitment than participants with weak career goals. However, neither gender nor career goals were found to play a moderating role in the relationship between CSR and anticipated commitment. These findings suggest that CSR communication can add value to a firm attraction strategy.