A New & Correct Map of England and Wales laid down according to ye accurate Improvements of Senex, Moll & other modern Geographers; exhibilting all ye Cities, Borough and Market Towns: Also all ye direct & principal Cross Roads w.th all ye Post Towns as they are at present regulated by the Postmaster Gener.l, together with ye Computed distances between Town & Town : To his Royal Highness Frederick Prince of Wales this Map is most humbly Inscribed / by his Royal Highness's most obedient, & most devoted humble Servant, Geo Foster

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Foster George (16..-17..). Cartographe, « A New & Correct Map of England and Wales laid down according to ye accurate Improvements of Senex, Moll & other modern Geographers; exhibilting all ye Cities, Borough and Market Towns: Also all ye direct & principal Cross Roads w.th all ye Post Towns as they are at present regulated by the Postmaster Gener.l, together with ye Computed distances between Town & Town : To his Royal Highness Frederick Prince of Wales this Map is most humbly Inscribed / by his Royal Highness's most obedient, & most devoted humble Servant, Geo Foster », Cartes et plans de Gallica

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