A Draught of Mathewren Bay on the North Side of the Island Diego Rayes Shewing all the Rocks, Sands & dangerous Shoals ; the Soundings at low Water ; with a Perspective View of the Island, as it appears just without the Bank of the Middle Ground / Survey'd & Drawn with great Accuracy by Wm. Nichelson, master of the Elizabeth ; J. Spilsbury sculp.

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Nichelson William. Cartographe et al., « A Draught of Mathewren Bay on the North Side of the Island Diego Rayes Shewing all the Rocks, Sands & dangerous Shoals ; the Soundings at low Water ; with a Perspective View of the Island, as it appears just without the Bank of the Middle Ground / Survey'd & Drawn with great Accuracy by Wm. Nichelson, master of the Elizabeth ; J. Spilsbury sculp. », Cartes et plans de Gallica

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